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When my partner and me decided to have kids, I stopped taking contraceptives
and I never imagined what rollercoaster I was about to step into.
I got pregnant after 6 months and after a first positive ultrasound and a heartbeat we found out at 9/10 weeks we had lost this pregnancy. An emotional happening but as i knew already this happens we picked up we're we started and after another 6 months I was pregnant again.
And again we lost this pregnancy in the same way at 9/10 weeks.
At that time I already started my Creative Consciousness Journey and I had
some tools to let these happenings pass and go on.
But also our third pregnancy stopped at 9/10 weeks and I even had a very severe complication
in my uterus (life threatening situation) which really was a very traumatic experience for me.
Marc Steinberg was leading the Conscious Relationship course
and gave me the advice to do the Shadow & Light Retreat.
The Shadow & Light Retreat let me see a deep pain i have in me and even went further to the generation of my mother (who also lost a pregnancy at 9 months) and my grandmother (who lost her mother in a very traumatic way). I came aware that i can't have children but if children will come to me - they will be given to me. This awareness let me come to peace with my situation.
I want to be a giver not a taker in my live. And be a mother in all kind of different ways.
I needed to release myself by giving not to experience release anymore.
After the Shadow & Light retreat I participated in the Conscious Success program with my partner
and we committed ourselves to receiving children. I experienced 1 more pregnancy loss at 6/7 weeks (very early) - the thought of releasing was still there and even though also very painful,
there was acceptance - no fighting of what was coming.
2 months later I became pregnant of our first child -
a little boy called Zeno and 2 years later we received our daughter Lora.
I am so very grateful that Marc and the Shadow & Light Retreat gave me this very deep transformation! I wish for people who is experiencing loss, release, pain and suffering
to have this same transformation!
Sofie van de Wauwer, Belgium
Before participating in Conscious Living 1,
I was struggling to be authentic self and was often
surrounded by negative issues at the office where I used to work.
During the training, I unlocked my real energy and could let go of
victimhood I had been carrying for a long time.
CC triggered a great shift in me and after the training,
I live a lot more confidently, fulfilled and authentically.
Megumi Häussler, Hamburg, Germany
Coach, member of CC Trainer Academy
I was extremely frustrated and stuck in my career,
which caused a lot of self-criticism and resentment towards myself and the world.
I felt lost and sad! Whilst I knew I was capable of SO much more,
and intellectually knew that I was capable of creating my own reality...
...I still couldn't seem to create the career/success that I wanted!
My greatest insight in doing Consciousness Coaching was that blaming myself was me playing victim! And therefore not taking responsibility for my life. I also realized that most of what I did,
was out of the need to get approval from others and look good.
This work has given me back MY POWER. And that is FREEing!!!
So now, I create the work that is aligned with my bigger vision.
I am inspired and have so much more FUN!!
I feel alive again!!
Jenny Hartley
Capetown, South Africa
Mei Lan became blind when she was a kid.
In 2016, she was recovering from surgery and feeling stuck with her life,
not knowing what to do next and struggling to find joy again.
She was introduced to Creative Consciousness by a friend, and trusted the recommendation.
During Conscious Living 1, Mei Lan realized that she became afraid of the world and disconnected
from her real self. At the training she started to open the cage and discovered
that she actually wasn’t scared – so she woke up from hibernation.
After the training, Mei Lan started seeing her patterns and found a way of staying aware
without stressing herself out. She was integrating the material very deeply and
finding her balance and her own way of living consciously.
She found her foundation, gratitude and curiosity. Her guiding question was:
“What makes me feel alive?” and “follow the fun” became her personal motto.
This new attitude urged Mei Lan to keep developing and inspired her to sign up for coach training,
although she was not intending to become a coach. At the coach training Mei Lan
experienced giving coaching for the first time and saw that she was a natural at it.
From there, things unfolded in flow – Mei Lan became a qualified Consciousness Coach®
and soon thereafter became a business owner. She is now happy with her new partner,
whom she met in the CC community, working as a professional coach and
touching the lives of many people through her writing and guidance.
Mei Lan Ng, Belgium
Beverly came to Conscious Living 1 to discover that this training turned out
to be the exact miracle she has been praying for.
Before CL1, Beverly found herself unfree in her self-expression, misunderstood by people,
and tense. The training helped her connect with the underlying emotions –
ranging from pain to anger – and release them.
Something got unlocked on a very deep level, resulting in a physical miracle:
on the last day of the training Beverly realized that
she no longer needed her glasses to see properly!
That is particularly special, given her profession as an optometrist!
Beverly now jokes that she might end up losing all of her clients if she sends
them to CL1, because they will experience miraculous healing.
Beverly Milun, Johannesburg, South Africa
My biggest breakthrough since my Conscious Living 1 in May 2015
has been taking responsibility to create a new reality for myself,
in both my personal and professional life.
My coaching business is growing slowly but surely.
With that I am experiencing a whole new sense of fulfilment
which filters through to my personal life.
I have to smile when a coaching prospect across the globe finds me and inquires about coaching,
our trainings or the Enneagram. Since I joined the CC Trainer Academy I also started
facilitating and coaching in corporate which I absolutely love.
Now for those of you who remember me from my CL1, the "Poor Me" trapped by
her thinking and feeling and needing to look good ... this might sound like a miracle.
Believe me, I’m still pinching myself at times.
Would you believe that I broke even last year and recovered my CCI investment?
Doing what I love doing. Coaching and training others back to life, passion and purpose.
Yes, I still have a long way to go. Transformation is never a done deal.
And yet, being my word, keeping my integrity in check and constantly working towards goals
with my very own coach keeps me moving forward. In a direction of MY choosing.
My life has a whole new flavor.
In summary, coaching as a way of life has empowered me to
be a better parent and re-committed wife. Giving my children wings to fly inspires me daily.
Seeing my clients stretch themselves to achieve their goals and beyond is humbling
and rewarding. Being a part of the transformation in our wonderful participants
during trainings and retreats is honestly priceless.
And the best part of it ... you too can do the same.
Sibylle Sharon, Johannesburg, South Africa
Certified Consciousness Coach, Trainer and accredited Enneagram Practitioner
I was very happily getting on with life and I had absolutely no idea that I wasn't thriving.
In May 2009 I began a life changing process beginning with Conscious Living 1, the training empowered me to truly LIVE and THRIVE.
I found my voice and I saw unconscious patterns that were showing up in my life
and I was calling it fate.
I experienced the bliss of clarity, the natural internal strength I knew I had but didn't
know how to access. I began speaking in an effective and meaningful manner
and standing in my power. There was no going back for me.
Each module exposed another layer of 'stuff', and gave me skills,
tools and a whole new language.
I am a much better person, wife, mother and friend thanks to this program.
I am a consciousness coach, waking up early each morning excited for the day ahead.
I have found my place, I feel that I am doing what I was put into this world to do
and I found that clarity through Consciousness Coaching International.
Robyn Shani, Johannesburg, South Africa
Consciousness Coach
Where I was:
Prior to starting my journey with Creative Consciousness, I was so frustrated – there was so much more I wanted to do with myself, my life and didn’t think that I had what it took to make the change. Coaching and training had been a profession I’d been inspired to follow yet held myself back with limiting thoughts (that I now realise) of ‘’I’m not good enough, not worthy’’. I hated public speaking and knew that if I was to go into my desired profession, this would be something I’d need to overcome, yet internal conversations held me back i.e. : what if people resist me, challenge me, what if I don’t have the answers to their questions? Then one day, a inspiring man I happened to meet on a training said to me ‘’Sue, it’s not what you know, but who you are that matters’’ … and that was the beginning of a journey I have never looked back on …
Where I am now:
after having embarked on the full CC Accreditation in 2010, I left the corporate world in 2011 to start my own business, engaging, empowering and energising people to realise their purpose, potential and passion – through coaching, training/ facilitation and customised interventions.
I also guided and supported my husband do the same in 2014, something that he’d been resisting for his own reasons. Each year has brought me challenges –bringing me opportunities to learn and grow. Whilst representing my own business, I also have a few circles of inspiring people that I collaborate with and represent.
My greatest insights along the way:
realising the power that exists within me to own my limitations and / or obstacles and to create something purely from the making the commitment and being in action to do so.
My ability to connect with individuals and groups of people has been enhanced at a deeper level, allowing me to not take responsibility for others and their decisions, yet support them to take ownership.
I’m far more incorruptible, speak up more confidently and am not afraid to say ‘No’.
I am open to sharing my story, be vulnerable, take risks, create a empowering context in the midst of anxiety, uncertainty and fear, something that has supported me through tough times.
I’ve learnt to embrace my shadows (that I am still finding!) and celebrate who I am holistically and authentically. This has brought me the most incredible peace, power and possibility!
I know I am enough, I know I am worthy! The great news is that I know there is still so much
more for me to explore and am open and available to these – whatever they are.
Sue Schreuder
Corporate & CCI Trainer
Before doing the Conscious Living program,
Dorian was on anti-anxiety medication and found it challenging to open up and trust.
Seeing what the training did for his friend, Jeremy, and trusting the advice of his coach,
Dorian immersed himself in the process and allowed himself to work through all the
suppressed emotional charge underlying the anxiety.
Also, he decided to follow the training rules verbatim (“no consciousness altering substances”)
and chose to not take his medication during the training days.
(With permission of his therapist)
he has never gone back on medication ever since,
his well-being increasing, and more inner peace,
compassion and authentic joy entering his life.
Dorian Labuschagne, Johannesburg, South Africa
Business owner
Creative consciousness has been of tremendous value to me.
I have read many spiritual books (authors like Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Michael Newton,
David Hawkins and many more!) and learnt many spiritual principles but Creative Consciousness
made those principles come alive in action.
I was able to see how to shift and shape my life in alignment with my passion and what makes me happy.
Most importantly I started appreciating me and saw the substance I am made of.
I started achieving larger goals and this improved my confidence and trust in myself.
I was able to start my own business and expand it into a large successful enterprise
that is impacting thousands of lives.
I am blessed now to live a life doing what I love.
I love this work because now as a qualified coach and trainer I get to see
the impact creative consciousness has on others. I get to be instrumental in supporting people
to come alive in lives through Creative Consciousness.
Kirti Carr, Johannesburg, South Africa
Entrepreneur & CCI Trainer
© Creative Consciousness 2023. All Rights Reserved.